"Celebrity" Sightings

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Yep, you read that right. This past week has been filled with a sprinkling of celebrity sightings in our tiny nook of the world. It has been a whirlwind. The craziness began last Thursday when my friend, Danna, and I attended the Vero Beach Prayer Breakast.

There were many wonderful folks on hand for this event, including John Bona, the founder of the breakfast, Dr. Marshall Foster, from the World History Institue, and Dan Williamson, Architect/Theologian. Also included were renowned Gospel Singer Wintley Phipps and Actor/Author Kirk Cameron. The first time I had heard Wintley Phipps sing was at the prayer breakfast two years ago and was delighted to be in his presence yet again. This man can sing! Check him out in the video below (taken with my iPhone), as he sings "God Bless America".

The keynote speaker was Kirk Cameron, well known for his roll at Mike Seaver on the hit show, Growing Pains. He now works with Ray Comfort and The Way of the Master ministries. He spoke of his upcoming documentary Monumental . I can't wait to see it. My friend, Danna, and I had the chance to meet up with him while he was signing books.

Unfortunately, when I handed my camera over for a photo op, the poor gal didn't focus the shot. So, here we are with Kirk Cameron....as out of focus as could be. *sigh*

We truly had a wonderful time. I'm so thankful to Patrick, who took the day off to watch the kiddos so I could get a way for a few hours for some worship and girl time.

Fast forward to Saturday, Spring baseball officially kicked off with a parade down our street (we live on the same street as the ball field.) All the teams marched in the parade, and the tee ball teams headed it up. Caleb's team, the Phillies, headed up the entire parade.

Coach Arms and Team Mom, Caroline, kept the crowd under control as they waited for the parade to begin.

How stinkin' cute are they marching down the street? Since Patrick is an assistant coach, he marched in the parade as well. Madeline enjoyed her little ride, too.

Once all the teams had gathered at the field, we all had the chance to listen to Doug Flutie give the kids a pep talk. Yep, Doug Flutie...made famous by his "Hail Mary" pass when he led Boston College to victory over the Miami Hurricanes in 1984.

The fields these kids play on (Flutie Athletic Complex) are named after Doug's family, as this is where they grew up and played ball, too. The rest of Opening Day festivities included several bounce houses, which you can imagine were quite a hit. My friend, Fliss, stopped by with her peanut of a daughter, Shauna. We had a great time eating hot dogs and chips and just relaxing. It was a lot of fun to actually be a part of this parade. We have lived here six years and have seen it pass our house most of those years. It was exciting to see Caleb be a part of such a fun event.

While the month of March may not involve any meet and greets with celebrities, we do plan on celebrating Madeline's 3rd birthday. We are keeping it low key. We'll squeeze in a trip to Dis*ney World at some point in the next month. But since baseball season has officially begun, we will be spending lots of our time just down the street. I do plan on giving a "teacher's lounge" update some time soon. Our year is winding down with "light school" fast approaching.


Melissa March 3, 2011 at 11:10 AM  

WOW, very impressive! I didn't know you hung out with that type of crowd. How fun.
Caleb looks to cute in his uniform, walking in the parade.
Iris says to tell Madeline happy birthday.

Fliss and Mike Adventures March 10, 2011 at 9:57 AM  

I had THE nicest time there... like you said... just chilling and having a nice time... brings little tears to my eyes that I finally got to show off Shauna... though she can push my last button and play my nerves - she is truly the light of my life (well, besides Mike of course) we will have to get together again and Shauna owes Patrick a pizza :)

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