Who's birthday is it anyway?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Just a quickie here to share with you what a wonderful day we all had at Disney on Caleb's birthday. We arrived around lunchtime, grabbed something to eat, and headed directly over to the Buzz Lightyear ride, Caleb's favorite. I love going to the Magic Kingdom on Caleb's birthday because, although it's a tad chilly for us Floridians, there are NO LINES!!!! LOL. We love it! After the ride, Caleb got Buzz's autograph. He was so thrilled! Next we did the Grand Prix, which is always fun when your almost 3yo daughter is steering yet can't see over the wheel. We also went on Pooh's Adventure, which finally opened up and the Riverboat ride. All in all, it was a great, relaxing, crowdless day at Disney.

For dinner, we headed over to Epcot to eat in Mexico. (Next time we go, I will be sure to work in some sort of geography/culture lesson for homeschooling.) Dinner was delicious, and our day was fabulous. But the moment that steals the show can be found at the very end of this video clip, taken with my iPhone that I quickly whipped out (and am so glad I did.) Keep your eye on Madeline at the end. She's a show stealer. We love you, Caleb!!! I'll post some photos...some....time....soon.

And just to ease your mind a little bit, the couple sitting behind us felt so bad for Caleb that, when the woman's own birthday dessert was delivered, she let Caleb blow her candle out. Too sweet.


Stephanie January 15, 2011 at 2:27 AM  

This is priceless! Hilarious and heartbreaking all in one. So glad he still got a chance to blow out a candle. :)

Melissa January 17, 2011 at 9:42 AM  

so sweet. Although I'm sure Caleb didn't think so! I love that you got it on video I can't tell you how many times I have had to re light birthday candles so the birthday child could blow out their own candles. Iris still hasn't learned to "blow out" candles yet. But I am sure our future has more of this in it.

Colleen Cocci January 17, 2011 at 3:47 PM  

Too funny! Wonder why the waiter didn't re-light it for Caleb? At least he got to blow out someone else's. It reminds me of years ago while living in NH and eating at a Chinese Restaurant. A woman told the waitress (a short Chinese woman who acted like a drill sergeant) that her daughter didn't get a fortune in her fortune cookie. Waitress responded "Better luck next time".

Belated birthday wishes to Caleb! So good to see both precious dumplings!

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