Discouraged is not enough...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

...to describe how I feel right now. I was hopeful after my last post, that last week would be bringing us one step closer to getting our daughter. But I was wrong.

Last Thursday, I checked in with our agency about our new LID and was told our in-C*hina rep was instructed to call back on Friday. So I held out hope our agency would notify us of our new LID this past Friday. No such luck.

Fast foward to today...STILL no word. I have given up all hope of having our daughter home by July. It's hard to believe that it's been over 3 months since we first laid eyes on her, and we STILL don't have a new LID. We could've started our dossier over from scratch and gotten a new LID faster. Most families that are transfering agencies wait from 4-6 weeks to get their new LID. We have been waiting almost 8. In addition to that, our agency wouldn't submit our LOI until they had both transfer requests to submit along with it. Never did I imagine that we would still be waiting for a new LID 3 months after referral.

I am thankful that I only bought a handful of 24month clothes for Madeline. But at this point, I am giving them to my niece, Leah, because I want SOMEBODY to wear them. With the CC@@ taking a week off for the New Year, I am not counting on a new LID until after they return. I hope we'll have it by Madeline's 2nd birthday, which is March 12th. If I hope for that, then surely I won't be disappointed any more, right?

Signing off with a broken heart...


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