
I'm not a professional photographer, not even close.  Nor do I hope to be one some day.  And not because I don't love it.  I do.  I have a full time job at home educating my dumplings.  That is my priority.  Photography, however, is a hobby of mine that I really do enjoy.

So how did I get started?

Well, I was tired of the shutter lag from digital point and shoots.  So I bought my first DSLR, a Nikon D40x, for our trip to China when we adopted Caleb in November 2007.   I didn't know a thing about how to use it or photography, for that matter.  So I left it in 'auto' and captured wonderful memories using settings the camera deemed best.

What the camera deemed best would often leave something to be desired.  So after jetlag and adjusting to life with a new toddler, it was time to take my camera seriously.

Once I started shooting in Aperture Priority and then Manual mode, I began realizing the limitations of my D40x.  So in the fall of 2008, I upgraded to a D90 and bought my first prime lens, a 50mm1.8.  I was hooked!  I love to shoot wide open and love creamy bokeh.

So, what's in my bag today?
Nikon D700
85mm 1.4
50mm 1.4
35mm 1.4
70-300VR 4.5-5.6 (for shooting at baseball games and wildlife occasionally, though I'm looking to upgrade this zoom lens at some point)

I love to photograph my kids.  I really do.  Most of my images are of them.  My goal is to take the images I capture and make them as beautiful as the memories that are made.  For our family.  And that about sums it up!

Happy Shooting!

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